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Self-Help – Housing

Housing problems can affect anyone at any stage of life. Issues such as disrepair, problems with landlords, eviction, and homelessness are common. When these problems arise you need to know your rights and responsibilities.

Using the resources below, you can find information about tenancy issues, homelessness and other housing related issues. If you have rent or mortgage arrears you could also find out how we can help you with debt problems.


Housing factsheets: nhas.org.uk/factsheets

Shelter’s expert housing advice search tool: england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice

Housing repair sample letters: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/housing/other-resources-and-tools-in-housing/sample-letters-on-housing-repairs/

Shelter housing helpline: 0808 800 4444

Housing self-help materials: www.acfa.org.uk/index.php/i-want-advice/housing-advice