enquiry@stpaulsadvice.org.uk 0117 955 2981

St Pauls Advice Centre

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Abdullahi’s story

In 2001 Abdullahi’s home in Somalia was attacked by militia. His father was killed, his sister was raped, and Abdullahi was beaten with guns. He escaped Somalia as he believed he would be killed.

Abdullahi sought asylum in the UK. He moved around the country using vouchers to pay for food. His asylum claim was refused and any form of support was withdrawn.

In 2003 Abdullahi moved to Bristol, married and subsequently had two children. We helped the family to claim what benefits they could, however, because of Abdulahi’s immigration status he was not entitled to benefit in his own right. Therefore the family were struggling on a very low income.

We referred him for specialist immigration advice and indefinite leave to remain in the UK was finally granted in 2009. In 2011 we helped him apply for British Citizenship and now has British Passport.

Abdullahi says he felt like a prisoner as he knew he could not travel even if he had the money to do so. After 10 years he now feels secure. He can work; make more of his life and travel knowing that he can return safely to Britain.

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