enquiry@stpaulsadvice.org.uk 0117 955 2981

St Pauls Advice Centre

Friendly, local and here to help

Philip McCabe

Trustee (Secretary)

Philip is Senior Partner in a specialist employment law firm of solicitors. In addition to being a trustee, Philip also assists a mentoring … Read more

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Garima Jhamb


Joined 2021… Read more

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Patrick Graham

Welfare Benefits Adviser

Patrick Graham qualified as a generalist adviser at Citizens Advice Bath & North East Somerset (CA-BANES), before specialising in Welfare Benefits. He … Read more

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Ayan Farah

Reception Triage

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Annual report 2010-11

SPAC annual report 2011Read more

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Eve Barnes


Eve is a doctor working in the South West. She one day hopes to be a GP and is interested in policy and community … Read more

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Derek McConnell


Derek is a retired solicitor having worked in legal aid practices in Bristol for over 30 years. He specialised in immigration, asylum and housing … Read more

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Helen Sipthorp


Helen joined the board of Trustees in 2021. She lives in St Pauls with her young family and was pleased to have the opportunity … Read more

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Gary Compton

Advice Supervisor

Gary Compton knows Bristol inside out, having lived here all his life, and understands the issues people who come to SPAC are grappling … Read more

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Egeran Gibril

Advice Worker

Egeran came to the UK from Somalia in 2002, settling in Bristol at the end of that year. She studied Advice & Guidance … Read more

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